How to write a better essay
Native American Art Essay Topics
Thursday, September 3, 2020
Strategic Planning Goals For Sony Inc
Key Planning Goals For Sony Inc Sonys current money related troubles are integrated with its corporate culture which was expressed more than 30 years back. With such a huge worldwide organization, more prominent arranging and more utilization of techniques ought to be sought after. Sony could begin with the usage of another statement of purpose, with benefit and advantages of the organization tied all the more near regular tasks. Inside, the four powers, the administration, the originators, the creation and the promoting ought to accomplish better correspondence and participation. Partnership and participation between contenders ought to likewise be effectively sort after so as to make guidelines in new fields. Sony should target being the pioneer as opposed to being the dissident. With respect to cost cutting, Sony ought to truly consider setting up activities in other Asian nations so as to exploit the modest work and the sprouting markets. At long last, expansion, rather than seeking after the quick changing and handily imitated shopper products advertise, Sony should utilize its innovative skill for very good quality business and office hardware. With SWOT investigation and Porters serious powers model, we can see that the market is significantly more serious with less overall revenues and lead-time for item development. The end is that change is required in Sony. Nonetheless, even with strategical and structure change, the Sony soul of advancement ought to stay unblemished on the grounds that that is the thing that made Sony develop and would make it remain solid. Assignment 1: Sony Corporation is the electronic specialty unit and the parent organization of the Sony gathering; it is occupied with its business through eight working fragments which are customer items and gadgets, arranged item and administrations, plate fabricating, pictures, music, monetary administrations, Sony Ericsson and all other. It is the main thing that comes to individuals minds about Sony organization and its items is its high advancements loaded up with devices and item development, it was this advancement that has made Sony a major brand. It has utilized development in building markets out of nowhere that changed regular family unit lives until the end of time. History and culture The current Sony corp. has a one of a kind culture design in her history which is solidly attached in relationship to her two organizers Masaru Iuka and Akoi Morita. As everyone knows the two of them were the most committed electric architects and masters over their business ability. They made umbrella procedure where lower builds effectively learned, created and enhanced the vision. Likewise it has been seen that the RD segment of Sony vary incredibly from different organizations with its more prominent adaptability. In Sony there is an actual existence time work with solid standards and qualities which thus make technique through their activities. Aggregate vision and stress can be unmistakably found in the systems. Impacts of current marketable strategy The key arranging group is the visionaries behind our business. The key parts to Sony hardware is that they backing and drive the turns of events and execution of all inclusive activities. All the more significantly is that they contact the very part of business. Regardless of whether its from building to showcasing they help Sony specialty units in producing new and rising business and cross authoritative chances. They give generally speaking warning and money related examination support over our worldwide arrangement of B2B and purchaser hardware item gatherings. Sony has likewise declared noteworthy moves to reinforce its intensity for which it is constantly concentrating on hardware, games and amusement. Additionally the organization is rejuvenating its gadgets business through further basic changes and advancement of a very much characterized development technique. Sony is additionally bringing together its dynamic authority over key territories under hardware CEO. For item arranging it is concentrating on innovation acquisition and smoothed out dynamic across product offerings. This thusly would allow uniform advancement between our items and accordingly guarantees definitive and sane RD arranging and spending. For our development procedure in gadgets business they are utilizing all assets including movement, pictures, music, games and our image acknowledgment to convey all the more engaging items and administrations as the universes driving hardware and diversion organization. SWOT ANALYSIS Quality Sonys most noteworthy quality is their capacity to create inventive, quality items. Its page itself states Sony advancement has become some portion of standard culture which incorporates the attractive tape and recording device in 1950, etc. Its PC world additionally distributed the most inventive items for the year 2006. It has persistently figured out how to be serious and remain amazing association by gaining from past disappointments. It has been persistently gaining from their missteps and has consistently taken remedial measures in powerful and proficient way. What's more, quality is their capacity to be fruitful in a few unique markets. They have had an effect in the computer game market, the PC showcase, and particularly the TV market and there are as yet various others. Shortcoming Sonys greatest and latest shortcoming is their absence of development with PS3. Sony concentrated on computerized innovation when constructing the PS3 and it can send out video in top quality. Be that as it may, later on the outcome came out to be the place unmistakably this innovation can be seen on a top quality TV, additionally parcel of individuals won't have the option to see the maximum capacity it brings to the table. Openings It looks for a great deal of chances that use their quality in advancement. The best open doors which the organization is having are structure likewise it is coordinated into each progression of procedure keen component, easy to use application, inventive materials obviously visual appearance. Sony is additionally known not to duplicate any of its rivals so it has picked up notoriety. The promoting branch of an organization has additionally expanded publicizing strategies because of which it is having a chance to draw in new clients. Likewise the organization is attempting to sell there items at a less expensive rate to draw in clients. It is likewise having chance and can choose to broaden all the more abroad. Dangers A typical danger which the organization is confronting is in deals. Sony Vaio is it most current advancement in scratch pad PC for which it needs to rival the brands of different organizations who are now there in the market from long time. Rivalry in by all account not the only danger which the organization is confronting as of late it needed to make an open expression of remorse concerning the utilization of a setting in a vicious computer game. Additionally the ongoing reports have indicated that the greater part of its items are manufactured and sold as phony item. It additionally comes up short on the course of technique. Apparatuses Nuisance Analysis is another showcasing device to examine the procedures and working of an organization. Nuisance investigation looks at the adjustment in the commercial center brought about by Political, Economical, and Social Technological. Political factor changes include one gathering to another who are in charge for example Ascend in private medicinal services privatization which is under the moderate government. Though social variables will incorporate changing way of life perspectives Mechanical components includes changes as the open see it this makes open doors for the new item, for example, web, web based business. Last not the least financial variables changes incorporate, for example, downturn making movement at the lower end of the item value ranges. Political factors inside Sony These variables can directly affect the way Sony works as we probably am aware choice made by government impact regular business and can come as strategy enactment. These components have an enormous impact upon the guideline of organizations on the off chance that you talk about the organization the elements which incorporates government laws, for example, the prologue to the lowest pay permitted by law influences the representatives of Sony as the hourly rate expands every year inevitably. Comprehension of movement from associations in the market Overseeing Strategic Uncertainty The primary concern which Sony must do is to make vital duties to exceptional resources or specific abilities that will make hard for contenders to impersonate. The drawback of this dedication is that in the event that you make an inappropriate duties dependent on off base convictions about the future, it can take a long effort to fix them and make new ones. The duty must be charged in some association for conveying on the duties the association has just made, for which the organization need to make audits of what it has set to accomplish and normal subsequent meet-ups while other in the association must assume liability for relieving hazard that achieve vulnerability and opening up promising new chances. Assignment 2: Need and Expectation of the Company Stakeholders Each association or organization will get achievement in advertise by their item and administrations which is served by their representative. In this manner representatives are the key wellspring of Sony Ericsson gathering and its principle objective is to keep up high performing group which can accomplish every single hierarchical goal. Likewise searching for those representatives who are self spurred and which can fulfill client needs with their administrations and make contrast to for investor, client and themselves. In spite of the fact that organization works some preparation program too to prepare their representatives and to learn them an ever increasing number of aptitudes. Indeed, even Sony giving equivalent chances to their worker and furthermore offering chance to get more understanding from other authoritative firms. Till monetary year 2010 Sony has in excess of 98000 all day laborers in various areas, including overseeing body over the globe. Additionally there are huge measure of laborers approx. in excess of 40000 who are accomplishing work by implication for Sony Ericsson through offices, wholesalers, contractual workers, and so on. In the long run their human asset strategy is reasonable enough for all representatives too and furthermore its paying little mind to sexual orientation, ethnic cause and inability
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Compare & Contrat (ancient) greece &rome Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Think about and Contrat (old) greece &rome - Essay Example There are part of similitudes and contrasts between these two old human advancements. This paper quickly clarifies the similitudes and contrasts between these two extraordinary civic establishments ever. Both Greek and Rome civic establishments began in urban communities. Greece was arranged close to the beach front territory while Rome was situated in the geological center of a for the most part north-south plain verged on the east with mountains and on the west by the ocean (Comparisons Between the Ancient Greeks and Romans) Both the antiquated Romans and the Greeks appreciated recreational exercises a ton. A significant number of the games and games at present are the adjustments of the antiquated Greek and Rome recreational exercises. For instance the current type of wrestling and boxing has begun from these human advancements. Truth be told these civic establishments can be considered as the originators of recreational exercises on the planet. Antiquated Greeks were prevailing with regards to designing Olympic Games for the recreational reason. Each city in Greece and Rome had in any event one rec center during this period. Both the civic establishments were very much aware of the need of physical exercises to keep the wellbeing unblemished. Additionally, the ladies network likewise had their own particular manners of diversion. Music, show, move, and verse were a portion of the normal things among the ladies network for recreational purposes during this period (Ancient Greece) The Flavian Amphitheater or Colosseum Was Erected by Flavian Emperors in Rome for recreational exercises during this period. The motivation behind the Colosseum was to give amusement to general society and the Roman emperors. The games included were gladiatorial challenges, wild-mammoth chases, and reenactment of fights the Romans had battled. Collosseums were developed fit as a fiddle so as to give all the observers an away from of what was happening inside. The cutting edge development innovation of present day football grounds can be ascribed to the
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Consumer Buying Behavior of Hybrid Vehicles
Chapter by chapter list Title2 1. 0Introduction2 1. 1Background of the Study2 1. 2Problem Statement2 1. 3Research Objectives3 1. 4Significance of the Study3 1. 5Scope of the Study4 2. 0Literature Review5 3. 0Research Methodology7 3. 1Theoretical Framework7 3. 2Generation of Hypothesis7 4. 0Conclusion8 Reference:9 Title Factors that influence shopper buy choice of half and half vehicles (Green Vehicles) in Malaysia. Presentation 1 Background of the Study With the air contamination level rising step by step brought about by the outflow from regular vehicles, numerous administration bodies have invested exertion to uphold emanation control arrangement since the late of 1960, and it is getting severe with the EURO board of trustees being the pioneer until today, where their discharge strategy and reviewing framework being acknowledged or referenced worldwide even in Malaysia. The reviewing framework based of outflow neatness starting today is from Euro 1 to Euro 6, where Euro 1 being the most exceedingly awful emanation standard and Euro 6 being the ecological neighborly. This is where most current vehicles are fitted with exhaust system since late 1975, a basic gadget that can lessen the unsafe emanation, for example, un-consume hydrocarbon and carbon monoxide by changing over them into cleaner substances, for example, oxygen and hydrogen through concoction impetus impact inside (Tony and Andrew, 2006). The impact of this is the ascent of the consciousness of eco-friendliness, the same number of will additionally relate that in the event that eco-friendliness can be expanded, at that point the outflow can be additionally improved, just as to lessen wastage. Many car producers has from that point forward started advancement of eco-friendly motor so as to hold fast, and thus lead to the pattern of Hybrid Electric Vehicle (HEV). 2 Problem Statement However, outflow is just a single natural factor as there is other factor which annoys a driver budgetary perspective, the fuel and its costs. Regardless of the fuel is costly and modest, in the event that one can travel further with a given set measure of fuel, at that point one can absolutely spare him/her some cash (Tony and Andrew, 2006). Furthermore, back to the natural zone, petroleum derivative is non-sustainable power source assets and consumption is unquestionably inescapable. This is the reason as of late, numerous western car creators began to investigate building eco-friendly vehicles, by building eco-friendly motors through different ways, most prominently by scaling down the motor dislodging and repay it with power enlistment, for example, low weight turbocharger. The impact of this execution is that utilizing a littler limit motor yet can accomplish the force conveyance of a high limit motor, yet with lower fuel utilization. Anyway back in the eastern vehicle industry, where the Japanese being the pioneer they had something different as a main priority, they needed eco-friendliness as well as simultaneously they wished to boost the become environmentally viable idea. From this time forward they think of the possibility of half breed vehicle, where by and large terms a vehicle is fueled by 2 wellsprings of information, which is a typical inner burning motor, bolstered by an extra electric engine which requires exceptional battery pack. The benefits of this execution is that the fuel utilization and discharge is better over the formal, while the disadvantage is the support and cost of trade for broken battery pack is extravagant. With the half breed being the hot pattern presently given the promising marketing projections from European nations and the USA, for the most part the upkeep factor isn't an issue for them, anyway in this examination we have to discover the components cap impact a purchaser into considering, purchasing a cross breed vehicle here in Malaysia, as the mixture pattern is still exceptionally new here in Malaysia, by and large beginning the time of 2006 where Honda presents Civic Hybrid. Anyway with the ongoing expense exclusion on half breed vehicles from the Malaysia government, the pattern is by all accounts changing decidedly and now we have a few models from Honda and Toyota to offer because of the approach. 3 Research Objectives a) What are the variables that impact customer into thinking a bout a half breed vehicle? b) What are the components that help shopper into purchasing a half breed vehicle? ) What are the components that purchaser stresses over when buying a half and half vehicle? 4 Significance of the Study This investigation into the variables that influence the purchasing choice of half breed vehicles in Malaysia could extend the pattern and acknowledgment of crossover vehicles here in Malaysia. With that data, neighborhood car creators can consider into building up our own cross breed vehicles to offer the nearby markets a more extensive decision, just as to remain serious in the market. Moreover, this will be a decent impetus to start off â€Å"Go Green†idea into consumers’ mind that is valuable to the reclamation and persistence of the earth. Extent of the Study In this exploration, we will initially investigate and presentation into both the low weight power acceptance innovation and the half and half innovation further at that point thoro ughly analyze the advantages and disadvantages in detail. With both idea comprehended, we will start to concentrate on the pattern of half and half vehicles here in Malaysia, discovering the elements that help or prevent the acknowledgment of mixture vehicle through survey focused on crossover proprietors and potential mixture proprietors, from that point we can realize what are the primary factors and worry of purchaser after creation a choice for a mixture vehicle, and afterward onclude what should be possible to additionally expand the acknowledgment level of half and half vehicles. Writing Review According to Markel and Simpson (2006), the execution of mixture electric vehicles can adequately decrease oil utilization up to 30% when contrasted with regular vehicle, anyway a completely module cross breed electric vehicle will be experience advancement to additionally improve the reserve funds and lessen the wastage, as flow half and half electric vehicles utilizes electric engine controlled by battery pack to help the motor, which is expensive when one needs to supplant, and it didn't give a lot of wanted force. The producer can obviously place in a greater battery pack to punch out better force and toughness, yet with each 15% of progress the expense is almost multiplied. This issue is likewise referenced before route back in year 2001, where the improvement of half breed vehicles started with the point in furnishing a prevalent eco-friendliness vehicles with insignificant wastage and poisons discharged, in preceding location two significant issues (Allella et al, 2001): a) Consumption of fuel : World oil stores and deposits are far-fetched ready to continue against the consistently developing need of utilization b) Pollution : Generally alluded to the destructive emanation that can harm the natural wellbeing The most widely recognized half breed vehicle configuration is found inside the acclaimed Japanese car creators, separately the Honda and the Toyota. The thought is to fit an electric engine controlled by a battery pack that will energize itself utilizing the lost vitality during the slowing down method, to help a littler limit traditional motor in quickening. With the engine associate, the motor need not work and fire up that difficult to get the vehicle going along these lines fuel utilization can be brought down. At the point when certain conditions are met, the vehicles may likewise run exclusively on the electric engine itself most presumably during low speed cruising. Setting the vehicle structure aside, as expressed by Kuo and Wang (2011), the disciplinary in driving, just as the atmosphere is main consideration in diminishing fuel utilization. Kuo and Wang brought up that in nations that have tropical atmosphere, for example, those close to the equator, will in general have higher fuel utilization file contrasted with different nations with 4 seasons atmosphere, this is for the most part because of the way that fuel consumes better and increasingly proficient when the air temperature is colder, as colder air is progressively thick and from now on conveys more oxygen atoms. Other than that, since the temperature is commonly high during the time for tropical atmosphere nations, drivers will in general switch broadcasting live conditioner (A/C) more often than not to withstand the sweltering climate, and A/C draws power from the motor to control up the blower and cooling loop, in this way it brings about loss of intensity from motor and prompts higher fuel utilization. On the disciplinary side, going beneath or path over the ideal speed of a vehicle, ordinarily around 90KM/H to 110KM/H will influence the fuel utilization, where most drivers will in general speed whenever the odds emerge. One ought to likewise attempt to design their voyaging course ahead, so as to stay away from superfluous traffic clog which can bring about poor fuel utilization, as start-quit driving demonstrated to have 60% expanded fuel utilization contrasted with smooth relentless driving. This is commonly experienced by most drivers that they can accomplish better mileage in the event that they travel on the parkway regularly. Research Methodology 1 Theoretical Framework [pic] 2 Generation of Hypothesis Assume that ) H0 = Null Hypothesis (No connection between IV and DV) b) H1 = Alternative Hypothesis (Significant connection between IV and DV) |H1 |H0 †There is no connection among upkeep and buy choice of cross breed vehicles. | |H1 †There is critical connection among support and buy choice of half and half vehicles. | |H2 |H0 †There is no connection between fuel utilization and buy choice of half and half vehicles. | |H1 †There is huge connection between fuel utilization an d buy choice of half breed vehicles. | |H3 |H0 †There is no connection between charge exclusion and buy choice of half and half vehicles. | |H1 †There is huge connection between charge exception and buy choice of crossover vehicles. | |H4 |H0 †There is no connection between close to home view and buy choice of cross breed vehicles. | |H1 †There is noteworthy connection between close to home view and buy choice of half and half vehicles. End In
My Educational Philosophy Essay -- Philosophy of Education
Socrates cautioned his understudies more than 2000 years prior that the unexamined life does not merit living. (Kreis) This announcement, however made such a significant number of years back, mirrors my own convictions about learning and information procurement in today’s society. In my very own way of thinking of training, I accept that people should constantly look at their environmental factors and gain from the things they find. I don't accept that simply knowing irregular realities or bits of data is genuine training. Similarly as the old Greeks accept, I feel that training should show a kid to think and adapt freely. The basic reason for instruction ought to be to show a youngster to have an independent mind. As indicated by the Socratic Method, teachers must force information that as of now exists in a kid from that kid through a progression of inquiries and answers. (Kreis) I likewise accept that the handy utilization of addressing is amazingly gainful to understudies. Instructors can utilize different addressing procedures to show understudies â€Å"how†to think. One of the central reasons we ought to instruct our kids and keep on learning ourselves as educators is clarified in the accompanying statement found at and credited to Einstein, . ...information should consistently be reestablished by unending exertion, on the off chance that it isn't to be lost. It looks like a sculpture of marble which remains in the desert and is constantly undermined with entombment by the moving sand. The hands of administration should ever be grinding away, all together that the marble keep on lastingly sparkle in the sun. To these serving hands mine will likewise have a place. Einstein accepted that instruction must be a ceaseless procedure. We show our youngsters the history ... ... understudies. In truth, it is beyond the realm of imagination to expect to show each youngster at an individual pace in the set-up of the current instructive framework, yet in a perfect world every kid would follow their own training plan. Guidance would undoubtedly be individualized for each understudy, not only understudies with learning inadequacies. There would never again be a requirement for IEPs or specialized curriculum programs. Works Cited Gutek, Gerald L. A History of the Western Educational Experience Second Edition. Waveland Press. Prospect Heights. 1995. Kreis, Steven. (2004). The History Guide †Educational Philosophy. Recovered July 31, 2005 from Haselhurst, Geoff, and Howie, Karene. (2005). Reasoning of Education: Instructive Philosophy/Teaching Philosophy. Retreived July 31, 2005 from
Friday, August 21, 2020
History-Assess the short and long term impact of Iran's 1979 Essay
History-Assess the short and long haul effect of Iran's 1979 Revolution - Essay Example The reasons for the Iranian Revolution, in spite of an appearing nonappearance of general emergency so normal for past unrests of such magnitude1, were complex. The twentieth century history of Iran was described by disturbance of social logical inconsistencies. The modernizing approaches of the Pahlavi administration (1926-1979) were, best case scenario uncertain: the political and metro changes of the main Shah of the line, Reza Shah Pahlavi, were joined by savage concealment of both administrative and left-wing oppositional movements2. After his relinquishment in 1941, the nation wound up buried in precariousness brought about by the impact of the WW II and remote occupation4. After the disappointment of the endeavor of the common patriot administration of Mohammad Mosaddeq to nationalize oil industry, which prompted the upset d’etat against Mosaddeq on August 19, 19534, Mohammad Reza Shah re-accepted the tyrannical forces of his dad. Around then, the administrative powers of Iran agreed with the Shah, dreading left-wing secularist regime5. The legislature of Mohammad Reza Shah set out on the driven program of the supposed ‘White Revolution’ during the 1960s, which was to encourage the advancement of present day ventures in Iran. In spite of Mohammad Reza Shah’s populist falsifications, his modernization procedure favored huge, present day undertakings and the oil area, which served the necessities of worldwide market, to the inconvenience of independent ventures generally joined into the system of bazaar 6. The state developmentalist approaches prompted the wild inflation7. The Shah’s land change really added to the emergency, as the new worker cultivators couldn't tend the land as effectively as huge scope homesteads would, in this way prompting enormous increments in imports of food stuffs and appropriately in their prices8. The endeavors of the Shah’s government to control taking off swelling in the mid-1970s just bothered the situation9. The progressive development, which sprang from the conflicts between the strict understudies and the Shah’s SAVAK security powers in the late 1977, in the long run turned in the nation wide unsettling influences with the general strike of October 197810. The legislature of the Pahlavis was quickly breaking down, and on January 16, 1979 Mohammad Reza Shah left Iran. From that point on, the triumph of the Iranian Revolution was ensured. The indications of the general emergency in the Iranian economy were quite articulated in the prompt result of the Revolution. Because of wide-scale strike development of 1978-1979, the nation remained near the very edge of financial breakdown. Starting at 1980, the modern yield fell by practically 20%11 in examination with the 1977 level, while absolute GNP of Iran in 1981 tumbled to 81 percent of that in 197712. The Revolution proclaimed the start of unconstrained crusade of occupations and reallocations; the workersà ¢â‚¬â„¢ boards of trustees were shaped in numerous areas, as a matter of first importance, in oil industry13. Despite the fact that the legislature didn't really mull over complete nationalization of private area, the complicity of enormous financial establishments in monstrous capital flight constrained it to bow to the weights of mainstream developments and requests of Khomeini-drove Revolutionary Council (RC), and in summer 1979 the nationalization of banks, insurance agencies and significant parts of ventures was conveyed out14. In any case, the PRG arrangement stayed wary in such significant monetary circles as land
Tuesday, August 11, 2020
Why Addiction Is Considered a Chronic Brain Disease
Why Addiction Is Considered a Chronic Brain Disease Addiction Alcohol Use Print Why Addiction Is Considered a Chronic Brain Disease By Buddy T facebook twitter Buddy T is an anonymous writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism. Learn about our editorial policy Buddy T Medically reviewed by Medically reviewed by Steven Gans, MD on August 05, 2016 Steven Gans, MD is board-certified in psychiatry and is an active supervisor, teacher, and mentor at Massachusetts General Hospital. Learn about our Medical Review Board Steven Gans, MD Updated on July 27, 2019 Witthaya Prasongsin / Getty Images More in Addiction Alcohol Use Binge Drinking Withdrawal and Relapse Children of Alcoholics Drunk Driving Addictive Behaviors Drug Use Nicotine Use Coping and Recovery Addiction is a chronic brain disease thats more about the neurology of the brain than the outward manifestations of behavioral problems and poor choices, according to a group of addiction medicine professionals. In April 2011, the American Society of Addiction Medicine (ASAM) released its new Definition of Addiction, which, for the first time, extends addiction to include behaviors other than problematic substance abuse. A group of 80 addiction experts worked for four years to arrive at the new definition of addiction and concluded that addiction is about the underlying neurology of the brainâ€"not about outward behavior. Addiction Alters Your Brains Reward System Addiction affects your brains reward, motivation, memory, and related circuitry to the extent that your motivations are altered so that your addictive behaviors replace healthy, self-care behaviors. The brains reward system is also altered in such a way that the memory of previous rewardsâ€"be it food, sex, or drugsâ€"can trigger a biological and behavioral response to engage in the addictive behavior again, in spite of negative consequences, and sometimes even though you no longer even find pleasure in the activity. Impulse Control Is Also Altered Addiction also affects the frontal cortex of your brain in such a way as to alter your impulse control and judgment. This results in the pathological pursuit of rewards, ASAM says when addicts return to their addictive behavior in order to feel normal. The frontal cortex is involved in inhibiting impulsivity and delaying gratification. Because this area of the brain continues to develop into young adulthood, the ASAM experts believe this is why early-onset exposure to substances is linked to the later development of addiction. Characteristics of Addiction According to the ASAM definition, addiction is characterized by: Inability to consistently abstainImpairment in behavioral controlCraving or increased “hunger†for drugs or rewarding experiencesDiminished recognition of problems with your behaviors and relationshipsA dysfunctional emotional response Other Features of Addictive Behavior These conditions are also commonly present in addiction: Cravings and addictive behaviors are triggered by external cuesA risk of relapse even after long periods of abstinenceResistance to change despite increasing problems Impaired Control and Judgment Problems ASAM says that behavioral manifestations and complications of addiction, due to impaired control, can include: Engaging in more addictive behavior than you intendedIncreased time lost from work or schoolContinued substance use despite physical or psychological consequencesNarrowing of your addictive behavior repertoire; for instance, you only drink one brand of a certain type of alcoholLack of readiness to get help, despite admitting a problem Addiction Can Cause Cognitive Changes Cognitive changes in addiction can include: Preoccupation with the substance or addictive behaviorAn altered sense of the pros and cons of addictive behaviorsA false belief that your problems are not predictable consequences of addiction Addiction Can Cause Emotional Changes ASAM believes emotional changes in addiction can include: Increased anxiety, dysphoria, and emotional painSituations seeming more stressful than they really areDifficulty identifying and expressing feelings The Reason for a New Definition of Addiction In the past, diagnosis of addiction has focused on outward manifestations of a persons behaviors, which can be observed and confirmed by standardized questionnaires. The new definition of addiction instead focuses on whats going on inside you, in your brain. The experts at ASAM hope their new definition leads to a better understanding of the disease process, which they say is biological, psychological, social, and spiritual in its manifestation. Addiction can manifest itself in many behaviors beyond substance abuse. The Implications for Treatment Traditionally, people with addictions have sought and received treatment for a particular substance or behavior. This has sometimes resulted in the person substituting one addiction for anotherâ€"what ASAM calls the pathological pursuit of rewardsâ€"because the underlying cause was not treated. ASAM suggests that comprehensive addiction treatment should focus on all active and potential substances and behaviors that could be addictive. ASAM was careful to point out that the fact that addiction is a primary, chronic brain disease does not absolve addicts from taking responsibility for their behaviors. Just as people with heart disease or diabetes have to take personal responsibility for managing their illness, if you have an addiction, you also must take the steps necessary to minimize your chance of relapse, ASAM said.
Saturday, June 20, 2020
Legalizing Prostitution - Free Essay Example
Sex workers have been around for a long time and always been looked down upon. Many people have disagreements on prostitution but they all are around the same reasonings: immortality. Beside the questionable moral aspect of prostitution, there are many benefits to legalizing sex workers. People tend to forget that along with other things that were against the law that became legal, the government changes it to become safer. Sex workers must be legalized to move us closer to a safer community. Thinking of sex workers, many people forget sex is inevitable, so itll always exist and sex will always sell. They found sexual imagery in 20 percent of the ads. Using sex to sell everything from alcohol to banking services has increased over the years: 15 percent of ads studied used sex as a selling point in 1983. That percentage grew to 27 percent in 2003. (Mulvey 6) These statistics will only grow more. This demonstrates that many industries sexualize their company, and it helps them get more exposure and clientele. Although I would agree that I wouldnt want children having access to learning about these things at such young ages, I would also agree that its always going to happen one way or another. Children are exposed to the sex talk earlier and earlier as time goes on. Children movies and shows often throw in humorous sexual jokes which is made to entertain adults, but they all soon catch on. They will always be exposed to the thought of sex, it is up to them and their parent/guardian. In countries such as New Zealand, Netherlands, Argentina, Belgium, Austria, and many others that prostitution is legalized, crime rates insanely decrease. This is possible because many places such as Dutch, supply an extra monitoring system so that the sex workers can feel safer in their work of place. Tippelzones are made to help sex workers do their job without coming across issues that would oc cur in a place where it is illegal. According to the HuffPost, In cities that licensed the prostitutes permitted to work in these tippelzones, rapes and sexual abuse dropped by as much as 40 percent, while the reductions in sexual violence were slightly lower in zones that did not enforce the licensing of sex workers. Prostitutes are looked upon as worthless, as if no one would care if theyre gone. This is one of the main reasons they are the most targeted by rapists and killers. A study of San Francisco prostitutes found that 82% had been assaulted and 68% had been raped while working as prostitutes. Another study of prostitutes in Colorado Springs found they were 18 times more likely to be murdered than non-prostitutes their age and race.(Fuchs 5) This is because they are easy to access, not protected, and frowned upon by the people and government. As ACLU stated about sex workers, they are vulnerable because they often work in jobs that are hidden from the public view and unregulated by the government. Criminals know that the abduction of a prostitute would not be as important to law enforcement as it would be for a person of a legal job. According to criminologist Kenna Quinet of Indiana University-Purdue University Indianapolis, as many as one-third of repeat killers have included prostitutes among their prey. (Alan Fox 3) Crimes against sex workers arent taken as seriously as if it were people of another occupation. If a sex worker is raped, they have l ittle to no hope for being able to press charges against their attacker because of their lack of protection from the government. They are still people who are trying to make a living to survive. If prostitution was legalized, it could help protect our sex workers from these horrific incidents. The decriminalization would lead to more job opportunities and have people less afraid of being a part of this occupation. The unemployment rate is only increasing so the more job opportunities there are, the more it will not only help our citizens but out country as well. But, I would concur that I wouldnt want it being promoted as something to live up to be for children. There are so many men and women who have no jobs or opportunities open for them that they would prefer to turn to sex working to support themselves. If they see nothing wrong with it why should others? America has an unemployment rate at almost 12 million and is in debt of more than $21 trillion. According to the Havocscope, the revenue total worldwide of prostitution is currently at $186 billion. These statistics are including the places of it being illegal so the prices will go up more when people wont look at it as a crime anymore. The legalization of sex workers would help our economy as a whole. As I have mentioned before, when illegal things become decriminalized, the government modifies it to be safe for our communities. Sex wor kers are often at high risk of HIV because of the lack of use in condoms with clients, lack of checkups, and sharing of needles for drugs. The countries that allow sex workers to work try to prevent these things from continuing or spreading. They make sure sex workers have checkups at the clinic, use condoms with clients, and dont engage in drugs. The study found low levels of risk practices for prostitutes working in legal brothels in Victoria. (Haste et al.) Legal brothels take care of their workers like any other occupation would do for their workers.
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